3D Projectile Motion

Skills: MATLAB, Kinematics, trajectory generation


Projectile Model:

“A projectile motion is a motion where a ball is fired in the air at an angle and is allowed to moved under the force of gravity”. I woke up one morning and remembered this definition from my physics teacher in secondary school. As an engineering student, I wanted to vizualize it once more using a software tool like Matlab, as these fundamental concepts never dies once you grasp it.


The goal of this experimentation was to shoot a sperical projectile (ball, stone, etc.) and control it with the help of inputs to achieve a desired location. Then the projectile flies according to the laws of physics and thus accelerated by the force of gravity to the ground.


  • Initial Velocity: $v_0$
  • Angle from x-y plane: $\theta$
  • Angle from x-axis: $\phi$


  • To graphically visualise the trajectory from start to target point.

Equation of motion:

From the free body diagram above, the equation of motion was evaluated in vector and each component is independent. Therefore they can be written as;

  • x-direction: $m\frac{d^2}{dt^2}x(t) = 0$
  • y-direction: $m\frac{d^2}{dt^2}y(t) = 0$
  • z-direction: $m\frac{d^2}{dt^2}z(t) = -mg_z$

Intergrating twice the above equation yield

  • $x(t) = x_0 + v_{x,0}t$
  • $y(t) = y_0 + v_{y,0}t$
  • $z(t) = z_0 + v_{z,0}t - \frac{1}{2}gt^2$

Once more specifying the initial positions (x_0,y_0,z_0) in order to compute the inital velocity $v_0$,

  • $v_{0,x} = v_0cos(\phi)cos(\theta)$
  • $v_{0,y} = v_0sin(\phi)cos(\theta)$
  • $v_{0,x} = v_0sin(\theta)$

After jumping into Matlab and spending most of the time to visualise, The result was quite satisfactory. The matlab code is displayed below as follows.

Matlab Script:

%% Projectile motion
clc; clear; close;

%% Shooter parameters
params = sys_params; g = params.gravity;

% maximum number of points for simulation
nmax = 80;

% initial conditions
p0 = [0; 0; 0];
phi = -15;            % from -90 to 90
theta = 60;           % from 0 to 90
v0 = 21;

% desired position
pd = [40; -10; 0];

% time required to hit the ground
tmax = (2*v0*sind(theta))/g;

[t,X] = myFlightModel(phi, theta, p0, v0, tmax, nmax);

%% target circle

% Define the center and radius of the circle
centerX = pd(1);   % x-coordinate of the center
centerY = pd(2);   % y-coordinate of the center
radius = 5;        % radius of the circle

% Generate points along the circumference of the circle
alpha = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); % Generate 100 points around the circle
x = centerX + radius * cos(alpha);
y = centerY + radius * sin(alpha);
z = zeros(size(x)); % Z-coordinates are all zero for the XY plane

%% Plot

for i=1:nmax
    % 3D scatter plot with initial condition
    plot3(p0(1), p0(2), p0(3),'.g','markersize',30);
    hold on;
    % target circle
    plot3(x, y, z, 'g','LineWidth',2);
    hold on;
    % plot trajectory
    ball = plot3(X(1,i),X(2,i),X(3,i),'.r','markersize',40);
    % draw path
    plot3(X(1,:),X(2,:),X(3,:), '.r','markersize',5);
    % draw shadow
    shadow = plot3(X(1,i),X(2,i),0*X(3,i), '.k', 'markersize',20);
    if i >= nmax-1
       delete(shadow); % Clear the last 2 plot
    % draw desired point
    % plot3(pd(1), pd(2), pd(3),'.g','markersize',30);
    grid on; % Display the grid

    % Label the axes
    xlabel('X-axis');    ylabel('Y-axis');    zlabel('Z-axis');

    % Set the plot title
    title('3D Projectile motion'); 

%% Projectile function

function [t,X]=myFlightModel(phi, theta, p0, v0, tmax, nmax)


params = sys_params; g = params.gravity;
x0 = p0(1); y0 = p0(2); z0 = p0(3);

v_x0 = v0*cosd(theta).*cosd(phi);
v_y0 = v0*cosd(theta).*sind(phi);
v_z0 = v0*sind(theta);

x = x0 + v_x0*t;   y = y0 + v_y0*t;   z = z0 + v_z0*t - 0.5*g*t.^2;
% --------------------------------------

%% system parameters

function [ params ] = sys_params()

% Physical properties
params.gravity = 9.81;
params.mass = 0.0638;
params.arm_length = 0.086;

% Actuator limits
params.u_min = 0;
params.u_max = 1.2*params.mass*params.gravity;
